cts Blog

News and technical articles

In our blog, we regularly publish articles on current topics in automation technology, provide insights into our work at cts and report on our successes.

Whether you’re looking for information on new technologies, best practices or inspiration for your own projects, our blog is the perfect place to start. We look forward to welcoming you here!

cts bigdata dashboard
SIL analysis: How to improve the safety of your technical systems
In industry, safety functions are crucial for preventing accidents and ensuring the safety of people and systems. A safety integrity level analysis (SIL...
cts group EMR-Planung
Important steps in EMR planning (electrical, measurement and control technology)
EMR systems are essential for the safe and efficient operation of a wide range of systems and processes. They are used in a wide range of sectors, including...
cts GmbH Industrie Automotive
Functional safety and virtual safety: two complementary aspects of system safety
Functional security and virtual security are two important aspects of system security. They should be considered as equally important goals in system development....
cts Techniker bei der modernisierung einer Mittelspannungsanlage
Modernization of medium-voltage systems
Medium-voltage systems are an important part of the power supply. They transport electricity from the power plants to the low-voltage grids that supply...
Big Data cts
New technologies in mechanical engineering
Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest and most important engineering disciplines. For centuries, mechanical engineers have been developing new technologies...
Design / selection of a level measurement in liquids
Level measurement in liquids is an important part of many industrial processes. It is used to monitor the fill level of containers with liquids to ensure...
Expansion of our production
cts grows by a further 11,000 square meters The most significant investment made by cts GmbH last year was undoubtedly the construction of the new production...
Insight into hot cell technology
Definition and significance for research Hot cells are a fascinating and important tool in modern medical research and industry. They play a decisive role...
cts big data
Paperless processes, big data and big data analysis
Paperless processes and big data analysis: the future of data analysis Digitalization, Industry 4.0 and the associated changes have become an important...
Facts and applications of industrial robots
What is an industrial robot and how does it differ from other robots? An industrial robot is a programmable, mechanical manipulator that is able to perform...

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